
After completing an RFP and presentation against other Advertising and Branding Agencies we were selected to help launch the Sheraton Suites Calgary Eau Claire. Our media recommendation included full colour half page ads in the business section of the daily broadsheets in Calgary, Edmonton and Vancouver,  the Financial Post and Globe and Mail, backlit panels at YYC, outdoor in downtown Calgary, radio, inflight magazines, targeted direct mail and eBlasts to meeting and incentive travel planners. | Pictured are the Daily Press Launch Ads.




The launch campaign theme, “It’s about time” addressed the fact that it had been many years since a hotel property focused primarily on the business traveller had opened in Calgary. It also spoke to the convenience of the Sheraton’s downtown location adjacent to major business offices, but also to the green space of Prince’s Island Park and leisure outlets of the Eau Claire Market.

We also helped to plan and create elements for the Grand Opening Gala attended by various business and political dignitaries, including the then Premier of Alberta, the late Mr. Ralph Klein. Additionally, we sourced, supervised and art directed the photography of selected rooms, facilities and distinctive elements of the property for use in all brand advertising.

The “It’s about time” launch theme carried through all brand communications including everything from rack brochures, business meetings facilities guide, direct mail, email blasts and print to direct mail and menus for the onsite food and beverage outlets.

THE RESULTS WERE TIMELY   | In year two the Sheraton Suites Calgary Eau Claire achieved number two status worldwide for customer satisfaction across all Sheraton properties.

MEDIA | Daily newspaper including the Calgary Herald and Edmonton Journal. Plus business specific ads in the Globe and Mail and Financial Post. Also selected Meeting Planner and Incentive Travel magazines, targeted direct mail, hotel collateral print, TV, radio and outdoor. Shown above is the series of the launch ads in the Calgary Herald focusing on Business, Pleasure and Service.

b Clear. b Concise. b Creative.